Monday, October 19, 2009

Gravity Pub (Atlanta Georgia) - Dive Bar

Gravity Pub
Dive Bar
East Atlanta
1257 Glenwood Ave SE
Atlanta, GA 30316-1964
(404) 627-5555


The Foodie has been telling about Gravity Pub since last year. She raves about how it is such a great place and how she  loves to hang out there and play the jukebox. To be honest, I never really thought that I would like Gravity Pub. I went in fully expecting some weird hippy bar but wait.........................It was a weird hippy bar but it actually did have a unique vibe.

It was not crowded at all which I really like and it had a very homely feeling even though it was my first time there. Have you ever been somewhere and enjoyed yourself and then when someone asks you why, you don't have an answer. Well, that is how Gravity Pub was for me. We sat in a booth with wooden seats and the only entertainment was a jukebox and an interesting battle of the minds of the sexes. Why do women not want certain men yet they want that guy to want them? Hmmmmmm... Think about that ladies and get back to me so I can write a book and make a million dollars. Anyhow, I guess I should say something about the food. I orderd some hot wings. Excuse Me....... SOME HOT AS HELL WINGS!!!!!!!!!!

Oops, did I put that picture up? Sorry, I meant HOT AS HELL WINGS!!!!! Aaah, that's better.

They were very hot and I can't remember up to this very moment why garlic flavored wings tasted like drummettes dipped in Cayenne Pepper. Aside from having swollen lips everytime I took a bite, the wings were actually a lot tastier than I thought they would be. Nonetheless, I experienced first hand that Gravity Pub is definitely not about the food, music or much of anything but again somehow, I will go back. Crazy huh? Don't ask me.......I guess it is just one of those things. It is kind of like when people use "THUNK". It makes no sense at all but you still say it. I said it yesterday.

( B-) - Good Homely Atmosphere To Hang Out With Friends

Happy Eating,
Dario "The Average Man" Mobley

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